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Responsive Web Designing An Evolution In Web Designing

The concept of responsive web design has been introduced recently and there is a huge demand among the web designers as well as the customers. Designers are learning different ways through which they can enhance the experience of the customers while clients want to reach their targeted audience within few seconds. The concept of the responsive design is to detect the screen size and the resolution of the device that is presently being used. This web design gives the flexibility to fit the website on any screen size while manipulating the text and the layout of the website.

Benefits of the responsive design

• The thumb users get the maximum benefit of browsing the website.
• Sites designed that use the responsive design are highly adaptable to the mobile device of all shapes and sizes.
• Content can easily be updated.
• The pages of the website can easily be viewed through mobile devices as it fits to the screen without creating any complications.
Responsive web design is not actually similar to the mobile websites. The mobile websites are completely designed for the mobile phone users. When the user, tries to access the website through their mobile device, then it automatically gets diverted into the mobile version. One of the important advantages of the mobile phone internet users is that you can make use of the full website version and also the mobile website version.

What is responsive web design?

Though the responsive web design is in its early stage, but it seems that Google is in favor of the RWD techniques as it is considered to be the best practice for developing the enhanced mobile website.

There are some of the important characteristics of responsive web design:

• Fluid grid
• Response to the media queries
• Flexible images

The responsive web design is basically a system that is used for
building the website which would respond to the user’s behavior so that they can receive the highest quality experience no matter what kind of device you are using. By responding to CSS media queries, RWD has become quite capable of using the most appropriate configuration of the flexible grid.

The small screen will be able to see one component of the grip at a time; while the larger devices will help you get a more comprehensive view of the website. web development Northampton offers best services for the development of your business website and take your business to pinnacle. RWD also makes use of the media queries that helps to detect the type of device the user is presently using. This helps in presenting the right kind of grid which adjusts the resolution and configure itself for the landscape or the portrait view.

The last element is the flexible images. These images are designed so that they can fit in the device through different methods such as:

• Scrabble images
• Sliding composite images
• Hiding or revealing portions of the image

And Web development is also important for any business website as it help in maintaining content and uniqueness of content with all major components and also help in ranking your website.

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