The Forgotten Conversion: Order Value

If you’re applying SEO to your eCommerce site, it’s likely you’re undertaking conversion rate optimization as well. Increased traffic is worthless if your conversions don’t also go up. While most businesses tweak conversions, few think to look a little deeper. Conversions aren’t just about individual sales. The best kind of conversion is one that involves multiple product purchases. Ideally, then, the improvement of a conversion rate should involve the improvement of the size of purchases coming in.

Good eCommerce SEO = better conversions = better SEO

The good news is that a lot of conversion rate optimization ideas that improve individual order values are also good for organic SEO in general. Take cross-selling for example. This is an old technique, and one that strengthens internal link building. Use your high sellers to promote other products by planting links and creating product suggestion boxes. The links from your high-traffic pages will help spread link juice within your site. You can discuss this with us at

Word choice is another conversion rate issue that will also affect your SEO. Most SEOs are wary of using too many exact-match keywords in links these days, due to Google starting to penalize for this manipulation. It’s a good idea to take a cue from Amazon for this. Instead of having ‘buy bargain [X product]’ in the sidebar, try Amazon’s ‘other customers also bought’ prompt. This avoids an annoying upsell that will put some customers off, and avoids an exact-match keyword use, while still providing enough relevance for the link.

Posted in SEO

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